Installing SRM with HDS Storage
These are notes on how to setup Site Recovery Manager (SRM) with HDS Storage using a command control device.
If using a VM for the SRM server ensure the following are configured before attempting to install the SRM components:
- RDM presented to the SRM VM, attached, initialized, but not formatted or assigned a drive letter.
- Install Hitachi RAID-Manger/Command Control Interface to setup the HORCM service (Protected site HORCM0 & Recovery Site HORCM1).
- Configure the horcm0.conf and horcm1.conf files on the respective SRM Servers.
- Start HORCM service (you will need to alter the name of the run config file located in the C:\HORCM\Tools, to match the service name 0 or 1.
- Test connection locally using C:\HORCM\Tools\pairdisplay –g GRP1 –l (for local check) and pairdisplay –g GRP1 –fcx (remote side check), alter GRP1 to match the Group defined in your HORCM.conf file.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does the SRA work at an individual Hitachi LUN level or HUR (Hitachi Universal Replicator) journal level ?
A: HUR keeps all LUN pairs in the JNL group in the same status so if the pairs are split for a failover, all pairs in the JNL groups are split. The SRA cannot override this behavior. To split a single LUN it must be in a JNL group without any other LUNs.
Q: Can SRA do split/sync for just one LUN ?
A: Yes, depending on the configuration of HORCM but this is possible. The HUR pairs need to be created as single LUN/JNL group.
Q: If we have multiple LUN's in same journal does it split all LUN's at same time?
A: Yes
Q: Does the SRA start a reverse sync immediately (Reverse P-VOL and S-VOL) once the secondary site is brought up?
A: With SRM 4, HUR / TC do horctakeover so replication is reversed and if possible resync is run in the reverse direction. This behavior was changed for SRM 5 to support the additional functions. SRM 5 will only split and reverse the replication but will not resync until the reverseReplication function is called.
Q: Do we have to create a separate HUR journal for each LUN, for individual LUN failover/failback?
A: A separate JNL Group.
Useful links