PowerVCF v2.0.0 - General Availability

I'm pleased to announce the general availability of PowerVCF v2.0.0 for download from the PowerShell Library. PowerVCF is a open source project and the team works on adding support when time permits.

Download It Here: PowerVCF PowerShell Library Download

What's New in PowerVCF v2.0<

Along with a number of new or modified cmdlets the following enhancements have been made:

  • Grouped cmdlets based on order of API documentation
  • Enhancements to reuse duplicate code
  • Updated for consistency in the use of code
  • Support for the new token-based authentication model

The following table provides a detailed breakdown of all the cmdlet changes for this release.

Categorycmdlet NameDescriptionComment
Backup and RestoreStart-VCFRestoreStarts the restore process of SDDC ManagerNEW
Backup and RestoreGet-VCFRestoreTasksGets the status of the restore processNEW
ConnectivityConnect-VCFManagerCreate authentication header for SDDC Manager applianceUPDATED - Support the new token / bearer authentication model and basicAuth switch for restore process
ConnectivityConnect-CloudBuilderCreate authentication header for Cloud Builder applianceNEW
CertificatesGet-VCFCertificateAuthorityGet Certificate Authority informationUPDATED - Added support for getting the details by id
CertificatesRemove-VCFCertificateAuthorityDeletes Certificate Authority configurationNEW
CertificatesGet-VCFCertificateView certificate of all the resources in a domainUPDATED - Added support for get certificate details by resource
CredentialsGet-VCFCredentialGet the credentialsUPDATED- Added support for getting the details by id
CredentialsStop-VCFCredentialTaskCancels a failed update or rotate passwords taskRENAMED - From Cancel-VCFCredentialTask
CredentialsRestart-VCFCredentialTaskRetry a failed rotate/update passwords taskRENAMED - From Retry-VCFCredentialTask
HostsCommission-VCFHostCommissions a list of hostsUPDATED - Added support for validating the input spec for host operations (-validate switch)
NSX-T Edge ClustersGet-VCFEdgeClusterGet an Edge ClusterNEW
NSX-T Edge ClustersNew-VCFEdgeClustercreates an NSX-T edge clusterNEW
PersonalitiesGet-VCFPersonalityGet the vSphere Lifecycle Manager PersonalitiesNEW
SDDC (Cloud Builder)Get-CloudBuilderSDDCRetrieve all SDDCsNEW
SDDC (Cloud Builder)Start-CloudBuilderSDDCCreate SDDCNEW
SDDC (Cloud Builder)Restart-CloudBuilderSDDCRetry failed SDDC creationNEW
SDDC (Cloud Builder)Get-CloudBuilderSDDCValidationGet all SDDC specification validationsNEW
SDDC (Cloud Builder)Start-CloudBuilderSDDCValidationValidate SDDC specification before creationNEW
SDDC (Cloud Builder)Stop-CloudBuilderSDDCValidationCancel SDDC specification validationNEW
SDDC (Cloud Builder)Restart-CloudBuilderSDDCValidationRetry SDDC validationNEW
System PrechecksStart-VCFSystemPrecheckPerform System PrecheckRENAMED - From Start-PreCheckVCFSystem
System PrechecksGet-VCFSystemPrecheckTaskGet System Precheck TaskRENAMED - From Get-PreCheckVCFSystemTask
TasksRestart-VCFTaskRetry a previously failed taskRENAMED - From Retry-VCFTask
UsersGet-VCFRoleGet all rolesNEW
UsersGet-VCFUserGet all UsersNEW
UsersNew-VCFUserAdds a new userNEW
UsersNew-VCFServiceUserAdds a new service userNEW
UsersDelete-VCFUserDeletes a userNEW
vRealize Suite Lifecycle ManagerReset-VCFvRSLCMRedeploy vRealize Suite Lifecycle ManagerNEW
vRealize Suite Lifecycle ManagerNew-VCFvRSLCMValidate the input specification for vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deploymentUPDATED - Added support for validating the json spec (-validate switch).

If you would like to learn more about VMware Cloud Foundation or PowerVCF, check out these links:

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